Last time we checked in on the guest room, the bed had arrived. At the beginning of July, I
set a goal to finish the it within the month. On July 20,
we had our first guest. Last week, our friends Laura and JD spent the night before leaving on their final roadtrip before moving out of the country. Two guests in one month! I guess in some sense, that means the guest room is finished. But no, of course, it wasn't finished. Our guests are patient people who didn't mind guest-ing amongst boxes and piles of picture frames. And bless them for it.
And this weekend, my parents came to town. My parents are also patient people who don't mind a little mess. Or rather, they do, but they love us enough to not only stay here regardless, but also to dive into a little home improvement project on their vacation. The guest room still has a ways to go, but it's
much more functional now, and I have to say it's looking pretty good.
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An inviting space, no? The view from the doorway. |
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Standing next to bed, right side; this is the "desk" area. Also known as "We went to college, and we love the Pens". |
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Next to bed, left side; the junk pile (mostly organized on a shelf) But look! Artwork! |
My dad is a baller when it comes to hanging pictures. He has a good sense of what looks good where and is super fast at hanging. I had ideas, but he often had better ones. And we even hung stuff in the hallway, which had completely fallen off my radar as a place where one can hang one's artwork. Duh.
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Our hallway has art! Will posed for the camera. Totally. I know, the lighting is awful. |
The art on the wall really makes the guest room feels homey, and the art on the hallway walls get me excited for the possibilities. Little by little, we've been adding things to the walls of the house -- I think that's one of the things that really makes a place feel settled (aside from, erm, actually unpacking all of your boxes). We've been here two years now, and we have much left to do, but it's starting to feel much more like *us* and not just like a place we're renting.
Did you get any big projects done this weekend? Do you have art on your walls? Does your partner photobomb your pictures? Let's chat.