Monday, November 14, 2011

Engagement Photos Sneak Peek!

So many wedding updates, so little time.  No, seriously, according to our registry, our wedding is in 90 days. That is approximately 3 months.  That doesn't sound like very much, does it?  It feels like we just got engaged (and we did, just about 2 months ago).

So...updates. We have a venue.  We have a date.  I have a dress (and 1/2 of my shoes - got the blue glitter TOMs, but still need to find snow boots).  I've started knitting the scarves for the groomsmen, and Reed has started on the wrist warmers for the ladies.  The moms and sisters are dress-hunting, and we're going to start looking for a house in Tahoe for the wedding party soon.  We're making appointments with caterers and I have all my dress fittings scheduled.  We have preliminary registries set up (the Honeyfund is mostly just placeholders for now), and Alyssa is working on cake designs.

Oh, and we took our engagement photos.  :)

Emily posted this one sneak peek shot.
Can't wait to see the rest!
This is just a sneak peek, but I'll post more as I have them, probably after Thanksgiving.  Thanks to Emily for a super fun rainy day of shooting!


  1. LOVE the photo! It's just a preview, but I can already TELL that they're amazing. :D Excitingggggg.

  2. Thanks! Emily is basically the best photographer on the planet.

  3. love that picture!  so so cute.

  4. la la loveeee you guys. can't wait to show you the rest!! xoxo

  5. So exciting!!

    I love that you're planning it all quickly. We had 8 months and it was probably too much time - you just start second guessing yourself and buying too many extras that you don't really need (or will even remember having!). I can't imagine having those 1+yr engagements. That pic is GORGEOUS!

  6. Yeah - 5 months is a little tight, but I'm glad we don't have more time to stress out and plan :)

  7. Congratulations, Kim :)

  8. ah, i was just browsing through .. saw you're getting engaged.. dropped by.. :)

  9. you're making me feel SO lazy!  we've been engaged for a year now, but haven't even started planning anything. i'm so impressed!

  10. Well, we only had about 4.5 months to plan, so no time to be lazy! :)
