Tuesday, July 20, 2010

To Tide You Over

While I wait for confirmation from the company donating the Mystery Item I'll be giving away soon (another giveaway! hooray!), and before I make a fun and exciting announcement (the suspense! just a few days more!), I thought I'd share a photo that has been staring me down, taunting me with thoughts of perfect kitchens and cool summer evenings I wish would last forever.  Today is one of those days where I wish I could just get paid to take walks, grow vegetables in my backyard, read lovely books, and cook delicious meals.  Perhaps I have been reading too much of My Life in France*.

Like here.  I could cook awesome things here.  Or just be happily basking in the warm glow of kitchen beauty.  (via Apartment Therapy, The Kitchn)

*Full Disclosure: I have joined the Amazon Associates thingie, where if I link to products on Amazon and you click through and buy them, I get some small portion of the money.  I don't expect to make much off of this, but I figure that if I was going to be linking to Amazon anyway, I might as well see if anything comes of it!

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