Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rainbow Cake

My friend Sara and I made Omnomicon's Rainbow Cake yesterday, and I thought I'd share some pictures.  It was very fun, and the cake is awesome, if I do say so myself!  Thanks to Sara for taking all these pictures and uploading them to Facebook so I could steal them.  Also for having adorable kids who "helped" with the dye-mixing.  :-)

Mixing the batter - we made a double (which is really a quadruple) batch, since we were making two two-layer cakes.

Batter, pre-dye.

Batter, post-dye (avec Penelope).

Sara pouring the batter...

Four layers of cake, ready for the oven. PS - aren't Sara's countertops awesome?

We made some crazy-color cupcakes with the leftover batter. they were puffy and delicious The orange and blue ones reminded me of Mario mushrooms.

 Simon agrees: yummy.

 Cake layer #1, ready for frosting...they looked so neat, I almost didn't want to frost them.

I used rainbow chip frosting.  It was a little warm and I barely had enough, but I think it worked nicely.

The inside of the cake.  Glorious.

 Cutting a slice.  I wonder if we should have flipped the layers -- this was the way we were supposed to do it, but it might have looked more uniform to have the colors lined up (in theory, the purples meet in the middle, but since it spread out so much on the bottom of the top layer and was in the center of the top of the bottom layer it didn't quite work out).  Oh well, it still looks cool.
A slice for my neighbors (they actually got two slices).

Oh, we also made peanut butter banana chocolate chip bread. Because we are overachievers.


  1. Oh my gosh -- those are amazing!!! I'm totally going to try this. LOVE!

    BTW, your new blog design is fab!

  2. We definitely are overachievers! I was noticing that our stripes were decidedly more vertical than the website - maybe we should have not poured the batter from as high? So it would slide onto the top of the prior layer, instead of plunging down too deep? Whatever, they were beautiful anyway. We rule!

  3. Thanks everyone! It is some delicious cake! And Sara, I don't know. Her 2nd cake (the double batch with the white batter) looked pretty much like ours, so maybe it has to do with how much batter you use?

  4. This is awesome!! I love the way the cake looks and rainbow chip frosting is my favorite. Yum!

    I must agree--awesome countertops too! :)

  5. What a fun recipe! Will definitely have to try this sometime.

  6. *on my previous comment, I meant the double batch with the white frosting, not the white batter. Duh, Kim.

    Glad y'all liked it so much - it tastes good too :)

  7. Yeah I knew what you meant. Maybe you are right, it's batter volume. Well I think it came out perfect. And I love that you have a friend named Penelope!
