Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kitchen Cure: Assignment 1

Ok, so you may remember that I am tackling the Apartment Therapy 2010 Spring Kitchen Cure.  Assignments are given on Fridays, so basically, participants have one week to complete each one.  I am thinking I will be more along the lines of the "if you don't finish it one week, just do it at your own pace and keep going" route, as things have just been crazybusy and we'll be out of town for a few days (blah blah excuses excuses), but I will keep track of the assignments.  And I will complete this cure - even if it takes me more than the allotted 4 weeks!

Week 1 Assignments:
1. Take "Before" Photos. - Done.  You can see my photos here.  Messy, disorganized glory.  And some nice things too, but mostly I see a lot that I want to clean up!  Note: I found Flickr (which AT is using to group photos for the Cure) much more difficult to navigate and use than Picasaweb (which I normally use).  Uploading, deleting and grouping photos wasn't really intuitive for me and it took longer than it should have.  Hopefully next time I need to upload pics to the Kitchen Cure group, it won't be such a pain.
2. De-clutter and purge old food.  - I did throw a few things away today, but I have not done all that really needs to be done.  I know there is more in the fridge/freezer that needs to be purged.

3. Wipe down the cupboards, fridge and remaining containers.  - Definitely haven't done this yet.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my little updates - and let me know if you are participating in the Cure as well! It's not too late to sign up if you want to :-)   I'm guessing that at the very least, y'all will enjoy seeing other people's kitchens as much as I do!


  1. Good luck! I can't wait to see the end result!

  2. I signed up too! Your pictures motivated me to take pictures of mine and post them at some point. I'm oddly excited to get organized! I'm looking forward to more updates from you and the after pictures!

  3. This is really cool, Kim. I will follow the process with interest, and see if there's anything I can incorporate in my own, storage-challenged kitchen.


  4. Thanks for the support, guys! I purged some gone-bad food from the fridge last night, and even cleaned up the spilled dry rosemary and Mysterious Sticky Substance (looked like spilled mustard or honey) from the door shelf. It's a start!
