Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Beach Bungalow

Hi there, Beach Bungalow. Can I have you? Please?

Not crazy about the blue chairs + blue floors combo, but I like everything else...

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Boy's Birthday Cake

I made a pretty awesome cake for The Boy's birthday this past weekend, if I do say so myself. It was a 2-layer sheet cake, Boston Cream Pie style. Pretty basic...yellow cake, vanilla pudding, dark chocolate icing, but it tasted SO GOOD!

He requested a camping-themed cake, and then added on that he'd like a Penguins cake (as a joke, I think, but I went with it), and here's what he got!

This was the night before, so just imagine that all those little decorations on stilts are pushed fully down, touching the cake. The 10 candles in the river are for our friend Mark, who was born on the same day, but 10 years earlier. :-)

Sans candles for better decoration-viewing. Note the river and waterfall (and the lake up at the top left), and campsite in the woods. Also, the bear. Ignore the mess behind the cake.

campsite closeup. remember, no stilt-visibility on the big day

Also, the decorative whistle/compass (on the left). Hooray, cheap party supply outlets! I made all the little decorations-on-stilts from stickers and toothpicks.

Closeup of the bear and waterfall in all their glory.

"Oh hi. I'm a racoon. I dragged your cooler across the river, and now I will eat your food!"

Who Does That?!?

On this episode of "Who Does That?!?" ...

Someone stole my car registration sticker. WTF. Who does that?!? I don't know how long it's been gone, but I noticed it last night. I feel a little violated knowing someone came up to my little car and took a razor blade to the license plate. Not. Nice. Poor sad little stickers.

I mean, come on! Luckily for me, my registration is due this week, so the person just stole my soon-to-be-expired sticker, and I don't have to deal with getting a replacement. I was going to be getting a new sticker this week anyway. Fine. Whatever. No big deal. BUT, I still feel violated.

They must have been pretty good though, to make such a mess of things and still come away with an intact, usable sticker. They carved through 4 years of car registration stickers to get it off...I guess I'll have to scrape it clean and wipe it with alcohol to make sure the new sticker stays stuck! I've heard that scoring it with a razor blade is a good way to prevent thievery. Anyone out there have experience with this?

closeup of the damage. so sad. kinda pretty?

My Little Plantie, an update

Last week, I replanted my little umbrella plant. It was severely outgrowing its little pot. (PS - look at how little and scraggley it used to be!)

I noticed that it hadn't grown a new little sproutey nubbin in weeks, and since it usually grew pretty regularly, I was a little worried. I figured it needed some room to grow, and boy was I right! I bought it a new, very large, pot. I re-planted it on Monday. By Wednesday, it looked like this! That's a fully sprouting branchey, plus a soon-to-bloom-nubbin, and a new little baby nubbin!

Don't you love my terminology? It is highly technical and precise. Much like my gardening philosophy. Plant. Add water. Give some sun. If it looks dry, give it water. Put in bigger pot if it stops growing. Gardening is easy peasy, right?

Belated Parents' Day Post

I had some prime photos set aside for Mother's and Father's Day posts, and then I procrastinated too long and never got the posts up. So...happy belated holidays, family!

The Men's Wearhouse in SF kinda looks like it's saying "MOM MOM MOM" :-)

The Wreckiest Father's Day CCC I've ever seen.

I actually took a bunch of pictures of horrible cakes at Ralphs and sent them to Cake Wrecks, but I sent them way after Father's Day, so I'm pretty sure they won't be posted on the site. One more for you to enjoy.

Ummm...me too?

My First Tomato Plant

I am growing My First Tomato Plant, in my windowbox. I am well aware that tomato plants require room for their roots to spread out, and that they should be planted in the ground or in a 1/2 wine barrel-sized container, etc etc etc...but I'm gonna see how far I can make this one go as-is. I bought it as a little kit (called My First Tomato Plant) that is certainly designed for children. It says it comes with enough seeds to grow 200 tomatoes, but I think that is highly unlikely. I'm sure it will need to be replanted, or that it will whither and die, but I figure I'll see what happens for now...until I figure out whether or not I can claim a space in our communal yard for my own little garden patch.

A few days after planting the seeds, little sprouts began to...sprout? This is what the little pot looked like on Thursday morning before I left for LA.

When I got home from LA on Monday...this! Ta-da! If nothing else, I made *something* grow from seeds. Right? ;-)

I will continue to update on the progress of my little planties!

Driving Through LA

I was home in LA a few weeks ago for my little sister's high school graduation, and while stuck in some ridiculous(ly typical) LA traffic, I snapped some photos. Enjoy.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I feel like I have to comment...

I feel like, because I have a blog, I am obligated to comment on the three celebrity deaths of the last two days. I feel like I should, even if I don't have much to say. So I'll just say that these three legends will be missed.

I always hoped he would ring my doorbell to present me with a big check - he made many people very happy, .

This was the first cassette tape I ever owned. He reminded us all to Heal The World, and his music will continue to inspire people for generations to come.

Her smile, her hair, her badassery as an Angel. Truly a gem.

I have no way but the cheesy way to say it, so there it is.

Ed McMahon
Michael Jackson
Farrah Fawcett

*all images copied from Google Image search results

Sorry for the Delay!

Sorry for the delay, folks. I have a few posts in the works (oh, and are they ever exciting. Not really), but due to being out of town and having house guests back-to-back (because I am crazy?), I am still recuperating. The house (house? tiny apartment) is almost back in order, The Boy's birthday cake has been planned, and the camera battery has been charged so it won't die when I try to upload the pictures.

Later today and tomorrow, I'm sure I'll get the photos uploaded and the posts fully written, but for today, please just enjoy this video, which may or may not be loosely based on the UCLA Tunnels.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A JobSearch Update: Happy 100 To Me!

It's been a while since my last update, so here are some statistics for you:
  • I have been unemployed for exactly 16 weeks.
  • I have applied for 101 jobs.
  • I have interviewed with 7 companies, for 9 jobs.
  • I have received 2 offers, neither of which I could accept due to too-low pay and lack of healthcare.
  • I have started 1 volunteer project, and may soon start another.
So, happy 16-week-anniversary to me. I have officially passed the 100-applications mark.

And yet, I feel pretty good. I came to the not-so-startling realization that one of my dearest friends will be free all summer (she's a teacher - duh, Kim), and the 3rd piece of our little friend puzzle will soon be moving up to our neck of the woods (just for weekdays, but still). So while I was really hoping I'd get a job before The Boy leaves for his 2-month adventure quest, I know I'll be able to find ways to fill my days, sans job.

Of course, I am not going to stop looking. I will be on a mission to find That Just Right Job until I land it. In case you are wondering, here is what I am looking for:
  • Something where I can have some control of my work day. I don't want to be someone's assistant, chained to my desk, with no real projects of my own (booking travel does not count).
  • Preferably, a company that does some sort of creative work. A theatre, art gallery, museum, symphony hall, new media agency, animation studio, etc. Something where even if I am not doing the creating, I can be involved with the creative process.
  • OR, a company that does work I can feel good about. An environmental agency, a program working to improve literacy in schools, etc. And no, "Earn $$$ To Save Marriage" doesn't count. Because...
  • I am looking for full-time, benefited work. That means healthcare, dental, vision. 40 hours a week. No part-time, no internships, no "great opportunity that may eventually lead to a full time job." I'm living on Unemployment Benefits here...I can't take a part-time job, even if it does pay a whole, whopping $10-12 an hour. I would lose Unemployment AND not be able to pay the bills. Hilarious.
  • I would like to earn enough money to pay my bills. For me, this means ~$40,000 a year. Why are there so many Bay Area companies who want to hire people for under 40k? And who are these people jumping at the chance to work for $32,000 a year? I mean, I could swing $38 if I didn't have to commute...I don't have an extravagant lifestyle or anything, but I like living without ramen and roommates. Sorry. Enough money talk. It's not ladylike.
  • I would like to not commute. I have applied for a few jobs that involved a commute of ~45 minutes, and after going to interview, have seriously doubted that I would actually be able to handle it. I commuted for a year and a half at Google, and that wasn't so fun - even with a door-to-door luxury shuttle with wifi. I know a lot of people in the Bay Area think 45 minutes is acceptable, but I just don't want to do it again. So there!
Anyway, in the meantime, I'm going to ease up a bit. Stop stressing out. Stop getting emotionally invested in applications. Stop blindly applying for things on Craigslist (I'm convinced this is the worst way to apply), unless I can somehow find a contact who knows someone at the company and can give me a recommendation. Out of those 7 companies at which I interviewed, 6 contacted me because of a personal connection/recommendation. The 7th found me on Monster, but even they only brought me in because the recruiters had also previously worked at Google.

Clearly, Personal Connections Are The Way To Go.

So we'll see. I'm going to try to start focusing more on figuring out what I want to do, and less on just Getting A Job. Luckily, my unemployment pay is enough to keep me afloat, with a little help from my savings account. I think now is as good a time as any to (as my 20-year old sister put it) "Find My Passion."

Any thoughts? ;-)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ranch Rugelach

I did it! I tackled Smitten Kitchen's Ranch Rugelach. Don't worry, there is no Ranch Dressing involved (she named it Ranch Rugelach because she made it on a ranch). The recipe made over 30 large, puffy things (it claims to only make 24), and mine were not quite as pretty, but they taste pretty damn good!

Other things that were different about mine: I made the dough on Sunday and finished the recipe in two batches today (one this morning, the other this afternoon - instead of making it all in one day). I used regular-sized chocolate chips instead of mini (I did attempt to chop them a little bit though), I didn't chop my raisins, and I'm not sure, but I don't think I "finely" chopped my walnuts. I just sort of chopped 'em up until they didn't look too big. ALSO, I DID NOT MAKE THE GLAZE. I fully intended to - I bought the ingredients and everything. But by the time the little buns were done and most of the mess had been cleaned up, I was too pooped to bust out my stand mixer (which may or may not actually work). Also, I tasted one, and they are so super sweet that I think the glaze would be overkill. So there.

I had fun making these though, and I think with a little more practice, they would be a great weekend project to do with kids (lots of little jobs they could do), or even just something fun to do with girlfriends...if your kitchen isn't so tiny that you do the assembly on the kitchen cart you keep in the living room. Note: The kitchen cart actually worked really, really well for this. Plenty of room to work a rolling pin (that I got for free, btw), and pretty easy to clean up. The kitchen is only slightly above disaster-level, but much of that was from the lack of post-dinner cleanup last night. Load #1 of dishes is done, and the rest is totally manageable.

All in all, fun baking project! And if you're in the neighborhood, stop by and grab one so I don't have to eat them all! :-)

Full 15-photo slideshow of the process:

Monday, June 15, 2009

Magic Princess!

Guys, I think I may have found the perfect job. Check out the Craigslist post while it lasts. If it's not up anymore, here are a few choice selections from the job posting.
"AWESOME princess transformative training"

"[The boss] is totally straight up & is a cool creative guru: killer slam poet, songwriter and painter."

"You can relocate from one Kingdom to the other (we have one in LA) and can live/move within your kingdom"
"If this culture feels like a good fit (i.e. you are a burning man type or maybe own some fairy wings of your own) that's what we're looking for. Bring your creativity where it will flourish!"
Oh yes, it looks lovely! I'm more of a 9-5, steady paycheck, desk job kinda girl, but I have a few friends who would probably really love to do something like this. My mom thought it sounded like a good idea...I believe her exact words were "You would get to act!" :-) Thanks mom, but I don't really want to be a princess.

I couldn't help checking out their website, www.magicprincess.com, and I highly suggest you do the same. It's full of sparkles, I'll give 'em that! I wonder though, if some of their characters border on copyright infringement? I don't know what the rules are for this sort of thing, and I'm sure it's fairly standard on the Birthday Princess circuit, but the pictures made me giggle a bit.

She comes with her own Disney-trademarked accessory!

Doesn't look trademarked* but omg guys.
she teaches magic at the famous Wizard school? Which famous Wizard school? Shmogwarts?

Check out the awesome horse! Totally Not Photoshopped!

There's something awkward about this...

*If you "Click for note" (in the previous two images) it takes you here, where you can be assured that your blonde princess will "DEFINATELY" [sic] be as blonde as possible*

And last, but certainly not least...

This "Adventure Girl" looks strikingly similar to a one Dora the Explorer. Please note the accessories, which I believe are named Map, Backpack, and Boots (the monkey). I am not ashamed to know this.

"Oh no! My identity has been stolen!"

Serenity Now...

The ongoing construction outside my apartment is proving to be very annoying when I am at home all day. The jackhammers started at 8:30am and from the looks of it, will be continuing on throughout the day. This gives me a little push to go out and take care of all my errands though, since staying inside is almost too painful. While I'm here though, I'll just pretend I'm on this pretty porch, with nothing but the sounds of chirping birds and softly whistling wind.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Kitchens, Kitchens, IKEA Kitchens

IKEA has this whole "you can make an amazingly wonderful kitchen with all our stuff" thing, and they've got a whole bunch of samples on their website right now. These are my two favorites. IKEA says, "Kitchens for Everyone. One for You." I'll take them (for free, in a nice little house, also free) please!

So There's This House

I think I am in love with a house near my neighborhood. It is on my way to/from Curves, so I drive past it several times a week. I look longingly at it, wishing it were mine, imagining what it might be like to call it my own. I looked it up on Zillow (very cool website, for the record), and its estimated value is $730,000. Oh, Bay Area homes. I also learned that it has 3 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms, and was last sold in 1991 (I'm telling you, this website is cool). Mind you, I have no idea what the inside looks like, but the outside is just lovely. I want to take a picture of it so I can look at it all the time, gosh I love this house so much.

This is a very blurry picture of the house, taken from Street View on Google Maps. The house is way cuter and full of loveliness in person.

Ok, that's mildly creepy. I didn't take a picture myself because I thought that would be stalkery, but apparently looking the house up and taking a screenshot of the picture online is ok. Sigh. I have thought about leaving the homeowners a note telling them that their house is gorgeous, but I thought that would be kinda super duper creeptastic. Yeah? Yeah.

Can someone please just give me this house? Please?

Yet Another "I Love Obama" Moment

Just see this article from NPR, where Obama writes a note for a little girl who missed school to see him speak. Yeah, he also talks some politics, but that's not the point of the video. Oh, Obama, you are too charming for words.

Some Summer Somewhere

Dooce's husband posted this on his Twitter/Flickr. Makes me want a nice, big backyard with comfy cushions and a dog. Luckily, I'm going to my parents' house next week, and they have just that.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Of Little Significance

Apologies for the multitude of photo-based posts today (multitude = two, apparently). My hands are all cramped from scrolling through job boards on my MacBook. I should really bust out my mouse, but then I would have to sit at a table or something. God forbid I "work" from a place other than my couch! I've actually thought about working from a cafe or something one of these days, but I'm scared that working from a cafe will make me spend money. And money, I do not have enough of you to be tempted by cinnamon buns and cupcakes! Please ignore the fact that I spent $8 on cupcakes and cookies at Tea Cake Bake Shop on Tuesday. In my defense, it was Cupcake Happy Hour! I was powerless to resist!

I digress. And, um, side note? I'm actually finding typing less harmful to my phalanges than trackpad scrolling. Interesting. I'll have to write more and scroll less.

I have a mighty home project coming up, one that might actually involve Home Depot, so watch out. There will be blogging. Since I know you can't wait, let's just say it involves my dryer, and the fact that the vent is messed up and hot air blows into the house when I use it. Get excited, folks!

Lovely House

My friend Jess found this house. It is pretty. Very pretty. The inside is a little eclectic-rich-looking for me, but that's all aesthetic, and if I can afford a $955,000 house, I can afford to paint. Le sigh...

Backyard Houselust

The weather is lovely today, so enjoy these outdoor pictures that have me dreaming about lazy summer evenings...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Product Body CASH Giveway!

My favorite source of bath and body products, the amazing Product Body, is having a cash giveaway! Yes, they are giving away $25 in cash to be used on purchases from their website. Dudes, that is enough money to buy a large tub of Crush on You, or two trial sizes (which are generously portioned), or travel stuff, or so much more! I am giddy with excitement. Check out #2...if you enter, mention that I sent you :-)

Full details (copied from the website) here:
"We are giving away $25.00 in Product Body spending money. It's true. We will put money into your Product Body account (you don't have to have one set up yet) for you to use towards any Product Body online purchase. It's used like a gift certificate/cash and never expires. Fun, yeah? Here are the ways that you can earn entries:

1. Go to the Product Body website and look around...find a product you'd like to try in the scent you'd like to try it in and return here and leave a comment with your answer. You may leave a total of three of these (we know how hard it is to choose only one Product Body product).

2. You can also send your friends to do the same thing, BUT they have to mention in their comment that you sent them. You'll get an extra entry automatically for each person you send.

3. If you have your own blog and you post this give-away on your blog, you get TWO automatic entries! (let us know so we can add entries to your name)

Contest ends on JUNE 17th. So have fun browsing and good luck!"

Monday, June 8, 2009

Small Bits of Organization

Today I embarked upon a Home Organization Mission, including trips to both Bed, Bath & Beyond and Target. It was partially successful. I purchased a lazy susan for my spices and then reorganized my spice cabinet. I tried to purchase a little shelfy thing to go in my dishes cabinet (too many plates stacked too high - I wanted to distribute them a little better), but I brought it home and not only is it too big for the shelf (yes, I measured first. Yes, I thought it wouldn't fit when I bought it. Yes, I was still disappointed.), it is also missing a rubber foot-protector thingie. You know, the little rubber tips on the legs of the shelf, where if you're missing one the whole thing wobbles. You know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, the missing rubber tip situation doesn't matter because it doesn't fit in the cabinet. I will be making another trip to Bed, Bath & Beyond soon to return it and get my $3.99 back. Almost doesn't seem worth it, does it? (Yes, it's worth it...sigh...but I'll wait until I'm already headed out that direction)

The successful portion of my expensive day (miscellaneous household things like laundry detergent and Goo Gone add up fast!) is that now my spice cabinet is pretty and efficient. The picture on the left is before - not horrible, but not at all organized. The picture on the right is after, erm, current, erm, I took the picture about 5 minutes ago. It makes a lot more sense this way...and the lazy susan is mighty useful (and only $4.99 at Target!). Now the baking supplies/sprinkles are all together on the top shelf with the random instant coffee I never drink anyway, and all cooking-savory-type spices are on the bottom. Easy peasy. Oh, and I also delivered two LARGE bags (all caps. that's how large they were) to Goodwill, and they are no longer sitting by my front door. This is a big deal, as they have been sitting there (albeit collecting more giveaway items on occasion) for about 6 months. So yes, another success: the front door area looks spacious!


The Lair

It was very rainy at the Lair of the Golden Bear this weekend, but that didn't stop us from hiking to Cleo's Bath on Saturday. There's not much info on this hike online, so I'll give you a little rundown of our experience. We started out walking along the lake, nice and easy, even in the rain (and mud). The hike around the lake has its ups and downs (literally, not figuratively), but it's not really strenuous. After about an hour or so of this, we came to the Cleo's Bath trailhead. While we hugged the trees to get out of the rain, which had gotten slightly heavier, we wondered how much farther it was to the end. None of us had ever done it before, so we asked a rugged-looking hiker on his way back. "30-4o minutes," he said. "It's flat for a bit, then starts going up. It'll take you an hour, tops." We believed him, and carried on. Flat for a bit it was, and then oh boy did it start "going up!" We bumped into a middle-aged couple who told us there was a "little bit of a scramble" at one point, and that it should take us about 20 minutes (HA. Took almost an hour, I think). I didn't like the sound of it...I'm not experienced with "scrambling," and we were lookin' at a lot of wet granite ahead of us. Nevertheless, we adventured onward! There were some particularly tricky spots, where we were basically climbing up narrow passageways of slick granite, and I was getting nervous about the return trip, but I surprised myself. I was stronger than I thought I was, able to hoist myself up onto rocks and such (The Boy helped pull me up on occasion, which was definitely appreciated). We finally got to Cleo's Bath, which we all agreed would be more worth it in the summer when you could jump right in. We hiked back down, sliding on our butts more often than not, and with heavy, wet jeans, made it back to the cars.

So yes, it was fun. It was wet. It was an adventure. The rest of the weekend was lovely, with the exception of a painful Penguins loss on Saturday night. We watched the game from a nice little Italian restaurant though, and the delicious food and wine *almost* made up for it. We played Yahtzee and read by the fire in the lodge, and the sun came out just in time for us to leave on Sunday. It's always nice to get away and be in the woods for a few days, even in the rain!

Pictures from the weekend below. I didn't take very many, but here they are.

On Funemployment

The LA Times just published an article on "funemployment," a concept that has been prevalent on the internet in the last several months. At first I thought I was the cleverest being alive for thinking to combine "fun" with "unemployment," but logically, I know I was not the first to call living it up while jobless by its pseudo-official punny name. Regardless, this is reminding me to do more fun things while I look for work. I'm not going to just let it all go and escape to the beach or anything...I mean, I do need to find a job. But it's a nice reminder to enjoy the time that I do have.

Oh, and the LA Times anonymously quoted me (from Twitter). I find this entertaining.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Stuff Unemployed People Like

From a fellow un-employee to me to you...

Though it is yet another copycat to Stuff White People Like, Stuff Unemployed People Like is actually pretty funny. The subjects are better than the actual content, but the subjects are pretty great. At least if you are unemployed. If you have a job, you may not appreciate things like Giving People Rides Then Going Back to Sleep or Annoying Employed Friends While They're At Work.

Some other things that are worth noting: I have totally liked Becoming a Statistic. Don't even get me started on my newfound love for Daytime Television. I have totally suggested Dating for Dinner to friends. This might be the best idea yet.

Also, I have totally done this and this and this and this (obviously) and this and this and um, this.

And obviously, this.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Stuffed Squash Blossoms

I have been craving squash blossoms for a few weeks, because it's just that time of year...I read on Girl's Gone Child's Twitter that she made them stuffed with goat cheese, and that only made me want them more. I had had them once before, stuffed with crab, and omg they were amazing.

So, last night, I tried to duplicate my experience with squash blossoms, but using GGC's goat cheese idea. I used this recipe for guidance regarding cooking time and such, and they turned out pretty well.

They were a little more bitter than I remembered them being all those years ago, and maybe that was because I stuffed them with goat cheese and not sweet, succulent bits of crab, but overall, they were pretty good. And at $0.49 per blossom at the new "West" Berkeley Bowl (I'd link to it, but there seems to be no information about it available anywhere online), I'll totally buy them and try them again. Maybe I'll buy some crab and mash it up into a little paste or something with herbs (and some Fiber One? Am I Crazy?) and squeeze it into the little blossoms. Mmmmmm...

PS - it is WAY fun to stuff the blossoms by squeezing the cheese into the center using a ziplock/pastry bag. Way fun.

Anyway, it definitely feels like summer! This afternoon, I'm off to the Lair of the Golden Bear for the staff+family weekend for The Boy's work (he works for the Cal alumni association). It's supposed to be very cold, and possibly rainy, but it should be fun!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Bicycle Built For Six

I'm sorry, but this picture is just amazing. Courtesy of I Heart Jews (and courtesy of artist Daniel Park). My friend Andy, she is a funny lady. And this Daniel Park, well, he may be brilliant.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Salty Spoon

I have just discovered a new food blog, The Salty Spoon. It was love at first read, and here are some reasons why:
  1. Kermit Might Need to Revise His Criteria - Shockingly Green Cream of Spinach Soup
  2. Fast As You Can - Easy Artichoke Pesto
  3. Thank You Sir, May I Have Another? - Deep Dark Chocolate Cookies
  4. A Brave New World - Artisan Bread for Beginners
  5. It's a relatively new blog, started on March 29, 2009. There's something neat about reading a blog right from the get-go. Especially a food blog. There's less pressure to "catch up" and read/make every one of the 135238957528 recipes already posted, and it seems kind of fun to start reading when someone starts blogging!
  6. She includes a "rundown" section at the beginning of her recipes. Genius, I tell you! The first thing I do when I read a new recipe is scan it to see if it involves anything crazy-complicated or something that will require me to psych myself up. She does the legwork for me here, precluding the recipe with its basic steps in a brief (bullet-pointed!) list. Brilliant.
  7. In her first post (appropriately titled "Welcome") she says (and I quote):
    "As soon as I leave my office, I start counting down to the moment when I can ditch the trousers, ditch the thong, and relax into regular underwear and smooshy pants. You know what I mean - knit, elastic waist business that may or may not be sweat pants (currently a lovely drawstring number from Old Navy, $8.99 on sale - yesssss). As far as I’m concerned, stopping for food on the way home is a) expensive and b) prolongs the time between office-leaving and smooshy pants-donning."

So I officially love her. Bria, if you are reading this quasi-creepy love letter to you/your newish blog, hi.

Chunky Apple Cinnamon Muffins!

I just made the Hungry Girl Chunky Apple Cinnamon Muffins (here, towards the bottom of the page). Mmmmm.

Like the blueberry muffins, they came out a little more moist in the middle than I would have liked - almost underdone. I was scared to over-bake them though, and the toothpick I inserted into the middle came out clean! So I don't know, maybe next time I'll just bake them a bit longer. Maybe I'll stick these guys back in the oven for a bit?

The recipe says it makes four, but I easily made six. Kinda like how with the blueberry muffins, the recipe said it made six, but it really could have made 8-12. Does the Hungry Girl have gigantic muffin tins or something? Note: I did not peel my apple before chopping it, and I just chopped 1 whole apple instead of measuring out 1 cup of apple. More apple = good! Peel = good!

Anyway, these babies are much better for you than the apple-cinnamon-type muffins you find at Starbucks or Coffee Bean or whatever. And they are pretty darn tasty too!

what the muffin looks like after a bit has been taken out of it.

In other news, I skipped the gym today because I thought I had a job interview this morning - it was postponed, but my gym mojo was gone at that point. Sigh...once I tell my brain I'm not going to do something, it is hard to change my mind! Luckily, it works the other way too. If I make my mind up to do something, I do it! And thus we have Chunky Apple Cinnamon muffins.

In case you're interested, this morning I had a part-egg-beater, part-egg scramble with spinach, leftover salmon with lemon and dill, sweet white onion, and cream cheese. It. Was. Delish.

Happy Wednesday!