Friday, May 15, 2009

Afternoons In My Apartment

I have come to love my apartment in the early afternoon. Particularly now, as the springtime weather is at the perfect not-too-hot and not-too-cold temperature. In the hours between noon and approximately 4pm, there is not much in this world that is more pleasant than reclining on my couch with a good book, the cool spring breeze passing through opened windows, and the apartment flooded with sunshine. It is just so lovely. So lovely, in fact, that I cannot possibly capture it in words. I've tried to photograph the afternoon in my apartment, but to no avail. There is simply no way to capture the peaceful, breezy deliciousness of it all.

The sun follows the path of my kitchen and living room windows each day, which can turn my apartment into a bit of a stifling greenhouse if the weather is too hot. But not today. Today is just lovely, and I am enjoying the relaxation (after a day of temp work training and a job interview! More on that later...).

And when the weather gets a bit warmer, I will read with a fan blowing, and a small bowl of frozen grapes at my side.