Monday, May 5, 2008

Cinco de Mayo: List-Style

So, it's Cinco de Mayo, and while I don't really do anything to celebrate the holiday (being a whitey-jewey-american, it feels a little odd/wrong/offensive, like it's not really my holiday to celebrate. kind of like st. patrick's day; i'm not irish), I thought I'd make a little list of things. You know, so today would be exactly. like. every. other. day.

Mostly kidding.

Anyway, a list (of totally random things, in the spirit of my blog):
  • The NY Times wrote an article about Jezebel, which I have been sort of on-again off-again into for the last year or so. By that I mean I read it sometimes, get really into it for about 5 minutes, and then give up.
  • I kind of sort of want to watch The Paper on MTV. Am I too old for this? Apparently not.
  • As usual, Jessie is really funny. Check out this week's episode of Dorm Life, and read her most recent article at 23/ ("some of the news, most of the time" - genius), "Eight Belle's Death Not A Blow for Feminism."
  • John Altieri, who played Bob Crewe in the National Touring Company of Jersey Boys, passed away this morning. Taylor wrote a nice tribute on his tour blog. Altieri was a really great performer; I loved him in all 4 (5? 6?) performances of the show I saw - and it seems he was just as great offstage. Condolences and warm thoughts to the entire cast, crew, and Altieri's family and friends.
  • English Major never lets me down - and she doesn't seem to let herself down much either, at least not recently. She successfully negotiated her way into a pay raise, rather than leaving her current position, and reminds us all that it's sometimes hard to remember that as women, we may need to push (ourselves) just a little bit more. I know I am constantly reminding myself that it's ok to want more, and it's ok to ask for it, or to work for it rather than just sitting by and doing what I'm told. As EM says, "I Will Not Get What I Do Not Ask For."
  • For Holocaust Rememberance Day (which I think just happened), one of our VP's wrote a nice little article about Google's involvement with Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum in Israel which I was lucky enough to visit last summer. It's a truly spectacular, interesting and educational museum, and I encourage everyone to at least read the post and check it out online.
  • Today is my little sister's birthday. She is 19. They grow up so fast.
  • This post is being posted on Tuesday morning instead of Monday night because I forgot to hit "publish post" before I got off the shuttle. oops.

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